Berlin Calling Report
Berlin Calling was a movie that I found very interesting. This movie showed me how this type of job that Ickarus has as a DJ, and the business and fans that come along with it relate to our norms and differentiate from what we are used to in our society. I found many similarities in the way that everywhere you go there is a so called “drug crowd”, what I mean by this is that some places have a bigger population and you will see more drug use. At the same time when you go to small towns such as the town I grew up in, you don’t notice the drugs as much. Don’t get me wrong, I know there were drugs in my town it was just a select number of people and it was in the dark, they tried hiding the fact that they were users. Whereas in Berlin Calling the use of drugs was everywhere, from the business of Ickarus and Alice, to the fans using while they came to the clubs, even in the bathrooms. One person stated in the movie the fact “party power” when I heard this it made me think that she was using drugs as a party enhancer. Maybe she was not using daily or as much as Ickarus. One of the main cultural differences that jumped out at me and I think our class as a whole because it was mentioned in class, was the naked people in the movie. Sexuality in the movie Berlin Calling is not meant to turn you on or arouse you, but to show you what everyday life is like. Where’ as in the US naked scenes in movies are triggered towards turning you on. I realized that as a big difference, even as watching the movie, it was not meant to show you affection, passion, or give you arousal like a movie in the United States would be used for. Overall I found the movie Berlin Calling Interesting and I am glad that we watched it.
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